The goal of Concord After 60 is socialization, and Group activities provide a wide variety of activities for member participation.

All of the Groups are displayed in the Member pages, which are accessed through the button: Member Log In in the navigation bar. On that page:

  • Current members just enter their username and password to access the member pages.
  • New members can register and become online members by clicking the Register link (the small white text link below the black Username/Password area of the Log In page) to create a username and password as an online member.

When Logged In, on the Member pages navigation bar is a button: All Groups which will show you all the existing groups.


1. Sign in on the website, then go to the group you want to join, and click the "join” button next to the group name.

2. Or, sign up at a monthly meeting on the individual group sheets.

3. Need help? Ask any Steering committee member . Their contact information is in the CA60 Members List.


1. Interested in a group you do not see listed?

First, contact our Program Director, Pam Hanson at to discuss starting one. Possible ideas for new groups are music jam, bird watching group, dinner club, and whatever interests you!

Then login and click on the All Groups navigation button and go to the Create a Group link to Create the page for your new group.

2. Next, send out a notice through the group EVERYONE on the website for a first time organizing meeting. Also, bring a sign-up sheet to the monthly meeting,  The notice should include the description or idea, a place, and time for the first meeting. Based on the response, hold a meeting with the responders. To get started, you can reserve a library meeting room, meet at someone's home, or coffee shop. Remember to keep it simple and flexible.

3. Please contact our Membership Chair, Laura LeVan at to make sure the people on your membership list are active members.

4. Once you have decided to continue please send emails to the following people listing all group meeting descriptions, dates, times, locations.
- Web Master, Tom Rarich:  for posting on the Event Calendar
- Program Director, Pam Hanson
- Newsletter Chair: Janet Beyer: for posting on weekly updates

This keeps CA60 functioning smoothly.

5. Group Leaders should check the website periodically for any new members signed on to your group.

6.  As the Group Leader, you can assign #4 and #5 tasks to other group members.

7. No member should be removed from a group or list without contacting the CA60 program director first, This allows the steering committee the ability to reach out to that individual to see if they need assistance.

8. Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the steering committee members who have run groups.


1. The easiest way to start an activity is to use EVERYONE on the website. Activities are different in that they are shorter having a predetermined beginning and end. It could be to discuss an article with folks. Perhaps you're looking for someone to go to a movie or to a theater event. Have something to give away?  A one-time museum event, an author you like speaking somewhere, shopping, a recommendation for something. The ideas for activities are limitless, All ideas are welcome.

2. You can also bring a sign-up sheet to the monthly meeting. And announce it there.

3. And, also email it to the Program Director, Pam Hanson, and to Janet Beyer, Newsletter Chair for the weekly updates.

4. You are encouraged to use the many ways we have set up for you to make new friends, find old ones and have fun!  We are here to help you connect.